PreCrime Intelligence

Predictive Attack Intelligence Platform

Drowning in data? Meet PreCrime™ Intelligence, the industry-leading predictive attack intelligence domain list, your pre-emptive shield against tomorrow’s attacks. Our cutting-edge AI platform goes beyond reactive blocklists, predicting dangerous domains before they launch attacks.

Companies leading with predictive cybersecurity

We disrupt malicious infrastructure and complete takedowns before you have a problem.

The exponential growth of network infrastructure has created more attack surfaces than ever before. BforeAI uses continuous threat exposure management (CTEM) to proactively monitor for suspicious behaviors and dangerous domains.

The best cyber deterrence strategy is to disrupt an adversary’s behavior. In other words, we make it so difficult for anyone to attack your brand that they simply give up. That’s the intelligent way to approach brand security.

Unlock Threat Intelligence

PreCrime™ Intelligence analyzes massive datasets of network metadata and behavior patterns. When the platform detects anomalous activity, we raise the flag before the action becomes a security breach.

70k threats per day monitored with PreCrime™

89 days average time we detect a malicious domain before an attack

100% our fully automated process means your brand is secured 24/7

Automated and Self-Learning

Trust that your CTEM strategy is in play 24/7 while you focus on running your business. Our AI continuously evolves, requiring less human input while sharpening its accuracy in anomaly detection and risk assessment.

false positive

TLD coverage

overlap w/ other TI**

Market Guide for Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services Hype Cycle for IT Security Hype Cycle for Security Operations Emerging Technology: Automated Moving Target Defense Can Secure Cyber-Physical Systems Emerging Technology: AI in Predictive Security Emerging Technology: Optimize Threat Detection With Knowledge Graph Databases Emerging Technology : AI for Online Fraud Prevention Emerging Technology for Automated Moving Target Defence Emerging Technology for Digital Risk Protection Services Emerging Technology: Security  Cyber-Fraud Fusion Is the Future of Online Fraud Detection Emerging Technology Impact Radar : Security Emerging Technology Impact Radar : The Metaverse

Market Guide for Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services

Hype Cycle for IT Security

Hype Cycle for Security Operations

Emerging Technology: Automated Moving Target Defense Can Secure Cyber-Physical Systems

Emerging Technology: AI in Predictive Security

Emerging Technology: Optimize Threat Detection With Knowledge Graph Databases

Emerging Technology : AI for Online Fraud Prevention

Emerging Technology for Automated Moving Target Defence

Emerging Technology for Digital Risk Protection Services

Emerging Technology: Security Cyber-Fraud Fusion Is the Future of Online Fraud Detection

Emerging Technology Impact Radar : Security

Emerging Technology Impact Radar : The Metaverse

Benchmark comparison

See how our attack intelligence compares to other platforms.

Download our DNS Filter Benchmark Analysis for an industry insider’s view of the current predictive security landscape. Discover how BforeAI dominates with unmatched attack identification, speed, and accuracy.

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Plug & Play, integrate to automate​

Enjoy native API connections to security solutions you already use to ease integration and preserve your investments.

Ready to see BforeAI in action?

Talk to one of our experts and deploy in minutes.
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