PreCrime Network

Go PreCrime, go predictive

Our full operational threat intelligence feed to add predictive technology to your security infrastructure. Automate to win.

Number of IoC’s 2022

89 Days
Best ahead diff

Unique IoC’s


Number of

Predictions 2022

89 Days

Faster than competition


Unique IoC’s

Let PreCrime do the work for you. Streamline your security posture with our unattended predictive technology

Danielle D. ​

Director of Threat Intelligence for Quad9

Each and every one of these threat blocking events saves a user from being harmed, and we’re pleased to be able to offer the benefits of Bfore.Ai’s predictive threat technology to everyone.

Petra C.

Head of Security at Volksbank

We truly love Bfore.Ai PreCrime, they give us the superpower to protect our customers by stopping threats before they start.

Greatest Coverage,
Lowest Error Rate

With more than 30K new malicious indicators per day we got you covered no matter where the attack come from. Only 0.05% false positive rate, stop wasting time in false alerts chasing.

Self-Learning and Threat-Agnostic, to prevent emerging techniques

With over 50 new attack techniques found daily, you need a threat feed that learns on the fly, our behavioral analytics predict never seen attack types.

Plug & Play, augment your stack

Native API connections to security solutions you already use to ease integration and preserve your investments.

Ready for a Demo?

Our team of experts are ready to answer your questions.